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cloud is an interactive story about a cloud. 


A creative exploration of the process of data analysis, cloud offers fragments of daily life - texts, phone recordings, reddit threads - as pieces of data. You’re invited to take on the role of analyser - to consider them, find insights and foresights and tell us the story you find within. 


cloud considers both how we find narratives in and how we place narratives onto data sets, and, with a focus on the mundane, how the fragments of our day-to-day - emails, phone calls, scribbled notes - become the narratives of our lives and work.


cloud was developed as part of a Creative Informatics funded Creative Horizon project: 'There be dragons' which investigated some of the intersections between data and creative practice. 



cloud was developed in collaboration with 

Sound Artist, Michael-Jon Mizra

Associate Artist, Vaishnavi Singh

cloud was presented as part of the Creative Horizon exhibition,

'There be dragons' at Inspace Gallery, Edinburgh 

from 30th September - 2nd October, 2022. 

Curated by Mark Daniels. 

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